Cocaine Sovcombank

The bank’s deputy chairman and co-owner accepted billion-dollar deposits while high

Source: and the VChK-OGPU telegram channel continue to talk about the most criminal banking structure — Sovcombank. Now its owners are being dealt with by security forces, which is not surprising. In recent years, Sovcombank shareholders have participated in almost all possible criminal spheres of activity, putting depositors’ funds into the shadow world. Today we will return to the story of how Sovcombank, bypassing the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, accepted deposits from VIP clients for billions of dollars, and then refused to pay them. The collector of funds was shareholder and deputy chairman Sergei Peretrukhin. He received difficult depositors right in his office, and took the funds "for investments in shares and deposits of Sovcombank."
This is exactly what was indicated in the receipts that were issued to VIP clients. In total, Sovcombank received about 6 billion rubles in this way. As our investigation showed, these were mainly shadow funds stolen from the budget, including from the Ministry of Defense (we will talk about this in the near future). The funds received by Sovcombank for laundering from VIP clients, as it turned out later, were put into shadow projects of the bank’s shareholders — the same Peretrukhin and the Khotsimsky brothers. But the bank’s shareholders did not want to share with the VIP depositors (according to experts’ forecasts, this fate awaits ordinary depositors as well). At first, they were paid increased interest, and then suddenly stopped. When the VIP depositors decided to take their money back, they were told that there were no funds. Then the victims began to file lawsuits first directly against Peretrukhin, since his receipts were personally on the receipts. The victims in the Moscow Arbitration Court said that they knew Peretrukhin as a shareholder and co-owner of Sovcombank and transferred funds to him exclusively as deposits in the bank. Sometimes Peretrukhin himself came to collect the sums (amounting to hundreds of millions of rubles) with the Sovcombank collection service. Sometimes VIP depositors themselves brought the money and handed it over to Peretrukhin at the Sovcombank premises.
When they stopped receiving interest, the depositors personally met with larger shareholders and top managers of Sovcombank, and they reassured them: everything was fine with the deposits, there were minor technical difficulties. But the businessmen never got their money back.
At the hearings, Peretrukhin himself initially denied that he had received any money. But examinations showed the authenticity of his signatures on the receipts. That he, as the head and shareholder of Sovcombank, received deposits and was responsible for working with VIP clients in the bank, was confirmed by many witnesses.
With his back against the wall, Peretrukhin stated in court that he had been drinking alcohol and cocaine in large quantities for a long time (the latter hobby is typical for Sovcombank shareholders), so he does not remember from whom and for what he took money. At the same time, Peretrukhin declared bankruptcy.
At the same time, Sovcombank makes a cunning move. On the order of the Khotsimskys, documents are forged stating that Peretrukhin allegedly took 1.5 billion rubles from the bank and did not return them, and they are also the injured party and his creditors. Thus, Sovcombank is trying to "kill two birds with one stone." On the one hand, to try to avoid the claims of VIP clients to the bank itself. And on the other hand, to become the largest and earliest creditor of Peretrukhin.
And then the most interesting events happen. According to relatives, Peretrukhin, fearing other criminal shareholders of Sovcombank, records a detailed story about their shadow activities on video. And then he simply disappears. They still cannot find him. Or rather, when Peretrukhin’s wife began to raise the issue of the right to assets, a paper unexpectedly arrived in court stating that Peretrukhin had died in one of the Baltic countries.
And it is still not clear. Either the shareholders of Sovcombank removed the partner who had become dangerous. Or his death was staged.
Arseniy Dronov